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APC Service Pack 3 Year Warranty Extension (for new product purchases)

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APC Service Pack 3 Year Warranty Extension (for new product purchases) (WBEXTWAR3YR-SP-01)

APC Service Pack 3 Year Warranty Extension (for new product purchases)

Kemikalieskatt tillkommer på produkter med 164kr/kg (max 451kr/styck) för er som ej är lagerhållare
I lager 999

Service Pack 3 Year Warranty Extension (for new product purchases)

An extension of factory warranty coverage beyond the original factory warranty term.


Net Weight: 0.09 KG
Maximum Height: 162.00 mm
Maximum Width: 159.00 mm
Maximum Depth: 5.00 mm
Shipping Weight: 0.11 KG
Shipping Height: 241.00 mm
Shipping Width: 318.00 mm
Shipping Depth: 6.00 mm


Our experienced technical support engineers are available to answer your questions, giving you peace of mind knowing the help you need is there when you need it.

Features & Benefits


Our Extended Warranty program offers you free shipping, making sure you get the replacements you need with no additional expense.

Our experienced technical support engineers are available to answer your questions, giving you peace of mind knowing the help you need is there when you need it.

Replacement parts & components are included with some service contracts. Please see the statement of work for service specifics.

Multi-year protection options available to meet your business requirements

Annual Site visit helps assure your system will perform to the manufacturer specifications. Available on 3 phase and cooling products.

Provides a detailed report of work performed including recommendations for service to ensure optimal performance

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