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APC Overhead Cable Extension 750mm Wide / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure

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APC Overhead Cable Extension 750mm Wide / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure (AR7756)

APC Overhead Cable Extension 750mm Wide / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure

Kemikalieskatt tillkommer på produkter med 164kr/kg (max 451kr/styck) för er som ej är lagerhållare

Rack Air Distribution

Overhead Cable Extension 750mm Wide / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure

Overhead Cable Extension for Vertical Exhaust Duct (VED) provides two cable routing access holes with integrated brush strips for routing data and power cabling from the rear of the enclosure to the overhead cable management system without interfering with valuable U-space.


Brush strips, Cable extension panels, Grommets


Net Weight: 2.05 KG
Maximum Height: 216.00 mm
Maximum Width: 720.00 mm
Maximum Depth: 439.00 mm
Shipping Weight: 3.82 KG
Shipping Height: 65.00 mm
Shipping Width: 808.00 mm
Shipping Depth: 336.00 mm
Color: Black


Standard Warranty: 2 years repair or replace
Environmental Compliance: RoHS,REACH: Contains No SVHCs


Organizes the routing of cables, which simplifies maintenance or future expansion.

Overhead cable troughs and partitions install toollessly on the roof of the enclosure eliminating the need for ceiling mounted or underfloor mounted cable trays. Cable troughs and partitions are designed to manage both power and data cables while maintaining separation.

Blocks air from escaping through holes surrounding cabling.

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