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APC EcoStruxure IT Advisor Change Perpetual License for 500 Racks

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APC EcoStruxure IT Advisor Change Perpetual License for 500 Racks (AP97500)

APC EcoStruxure IT Advisor Change Perpetual License for 500 Racks


APC Change Manager, 500 Device License


Allows for easily tracking and executing moves, adds and changes of equipment in the data center via the shared data center model

Features & Benefits


Automated work order process
Create work orders and automatically generate tasks to move, add or change IT equipment. Schedule, assign and track the status of itemized tasks to implement changes in the data center.

Schedule of changes
View pending changes to assist with time management and workload balancing.

Custom tasks
Specify the activities required to fulfill the needs of the individual work order.

Space reservation
Reserve power, cooling and rack space for new equipment to be installed quickly and easily.

Progress report view
Easily track activity and progress by sorting on work order, due date, status and priority.

Printable work orders
Print individual work orders detailing the tasks required for completion.

Email notification
Inform selected users of work order completion.


Inventory management
Management of inventory located in racks, providing an instant overview of data center assets.

Virtual store room
Keep track of new devices from arrival on site in the virtual store room, as best practices recommend.

Floor layout view
View an accurate representation of your data center through the easy-to-use graphical floor layout and birds eye view.

Rack front view
Detailed rack front view provides an accurate graphical representation of equipment and its location in the rack.

Equipment browser
Quickly locate equipment based on vendor name, model and type.

Device catalog
Utilize the extensive library of physical infrastructure and IT devices from leading vendors.

Custom devices
Quickly customize catalog devices to your specifications in just 2 clicks, amending data points such as power requirements.

Free text search
Quickly locate devices and alerts through the free search field.

Generic UPS support
Allows for modeling data from any UPS vendor, providing support for existing data center environments.


Asset audit trail
Track property and location changes for assets. Filter, print and export information by date and by work orders.

Personnel audit trail
Gain total transparency to physical equipment changes by user.

Rack audit
Perform instant inventory management through view of rack content and history.

Change report
Instant visibility to all moves, adds and changes to the entire data center, at either the -rack, -row or -room level.


Wireless Mobile Change Manager
Work online or offline to access work orders and asset data whilst on the move in the data center.

Mobile device moves
Eliminate manual data entry and reduce errors by adding, moving and retiring devices whilst on the move.

Mobile work orders
View work orders and immediately update status as you complete tasks.

Mobile bar-code asset search
Quickly locate bar-coded assets via the search functionality using the optional Symbol MC50 Digital Assistant.

Offline mobile synchronization
Keep your physical data center synchronized with your mobile data center management tool.


Common data model
Ensure mature and syncronized data throughout the entire data center life cycle.

Import InfraStruXure configuration
Speed deployment of the software by importing InfraStruXure Designer solution including architecture capabilities and constraints, floor and rack layout.

Integrates with Capacity Manager
Planning and optimizing utilization of actual power, cooling and rack capacities via a shared data center model. This allows for the efficient equipment provisioning and right-sizing of your data center.

Integrates with InfraStruXure Central
An IT-ready, scalable monitoring system that collects, organizes, and distributes critical alerts, surveillance video and key information, providing a unified view of complex physical infrastructure environments from anywhere on the network

Optional deployment services
Ensure speedy deployment of room layout, physical infrastructure and IT assets through the use of APC Professional Services.

Electrical room support
Monitor capacity and plan changes for centralized power equipment in areas outside of the main data center floor plan.

User interface available in major local languages.


User roles
Enable different levels of access through multi-user login and pre-defined user roles.

Multi-user access
Enables several users to carry out work orders and plan future moves, adds or changes simultaneously.

Password Security
User-selectable password protection prevents unauthorized access.

Read-only Access
Share access without risking unauthorized configuration changes.

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